Why do we treat women sex workers differently than men sex workers?

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E. KayaContent creator at Rulta6/11/24

Why do we treat women sex workers differently than men sex workers?


We were all taught to respect people and treat others how we would like to be treated. It seems like this does not apply if there is a woman sex worker in the picture. Why do we, as a society, fail to show these women the basic respect every human being deserves? Not agreeing with someone’s lawful profession of choice cannot be a valid reason to mistreat them. Especially in 2024. 

The U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embody sexual freedom as a fundamental human right. We cannot recognize human rights as whole without protecting and celebrating sexual freedom.

As an intersectional feminist who works closely with sex workers, I observed the clear division between the way women sex workers and men sex workers are treated. It is incredibly mind-blowing that men are praised whilst women are shunned for doing the very same job. This difference in behavior is incondonable and needs to evolve already. 

In this article, I will be exploring in detail how and the possible reasons why men sex workers are treated differently than women sex workers.

Why it's important to discuss the treatment of women vs. men sex workers

Examining the treatment disparities between women and men in the sex work industry is vital for various reasons. Firstly, it highlights the importance of gender equality, emphasizing the need for equitable treatment regardless of gender. Additionally, discussions on this topic are essential for upholding the human rights of all sex workers, ensuring they receive fair treatment, safety, and access to necessary resources.

By addressing the unequal treatment experienced by women and men in the industry, we contribute to broader conversations about social justice and challenge harmful societal norms and stereotypes. Furthermore, understanding these disparities can inform policy reforms aimed at improving working conditions, access to healthcare, and legal protections for sex workers of all genders. 

Recognizing and discussing the unique challenges faced by women and men in sex work might draw attention to inequality within the porn industry. My aim here is to promote equality and well-being within the sex industry, regardless of your sex. 

Understanding the Treatment Discrepancy

I’ve been working in the adult industry for 21 months now and it hasn’t been hard to notice the constant, relentless bullying women sex workers face regularly. Being shunned by strangers, falling out with family, losing job opportunities, receiving death threats: I’ve seen all sorts of discrimination faced by, and abuse thrown at these women. Yet, I’m still waiting to witness a man sex worker experience this hate. I am not saying that it doesn’t happen or that men should receive abuse too, but rather that I haven’t seen it happen yet. 

Social Stigma: Double Standards and Bias

Let’s talk about the Girthmaster. He’s been the hot topic of social media and, well, general media lately. Hundreds of news articles were written and comments were made about the Australian OnlyFans creator in a matter of days, focusing on the fact that he brilliantly profits off of how well-endowed he is.

According to TheCut Magazine, he “won over the internet with his boyish charm … and a few other things!” 

The Rolling Stone called him ‘gifted’. 

I’ve been sifting through hundreds of tweets from users on Twitter/X. So, it seems that collectively, we admire the Girthmaster because he’s smart and well-endowed. The majority of the tweets posted about him were humorous, but still not malicious in nature. The general consensus seems to be that he was praised.

After nearly two years of working - mainly - with women sex workers, I am yet to see strangers react so positively to a woman sex worker.

When a man capitalizes on his own body in the form of sex work, he is legendary, a “mastermind” if you will. 

The “master” himself mentioned that his male friends get excited and envious of what he does for a living. They even shake his hand when they find out about his OnlyFans. He mentioned this to the NYPost. Now, I want you to open this web article, by clicking here, and check out the comments.

I was not able to find a single comment attacking his dignity or character. There are comments from other users, claiming that they are bigger, they’ve seen bigger, and one even suggested that the woman interviewer probably had a great time interviewing him… “you think she asked to see?” he unashamedly asked the internet. Because if the topic of conversation is a sexual man with a big penis, women are dying to see it and touch it, right? (!)
Now, it’s time to observe the general attitude displayed when the sex worker in question is a woman. OnlyFans creator and daughter of Charlie Sheen, Sami Sheen, was posted in the DailyMail for “teasing content” as an OnlyFans creator. Let’s take a look at some of the comments left on the news article.

So, when a woman who self-identifies as a sex worker, the general consensus seems to be that she is degrading herself, is unlikeable, and is destroying her future and her self-respect. She is also punishing her parents and has had no positive role models in her life. The word “negative” has been thrown around quite a bit. 

Now, let’s take a look at some of the tweets posted about Sami Sheen’s OnlyFans career:

As you can see, her character is being attacked, alongside her parents. 

So, a man is clearly praised for capitalizing from sex work, but when a woman does it, her character, dignity, respectability, family, (etc.) is attacked by strangers. 

Can we just accept the fact that society loses its mind when a woman chooses sexual freedom and liberation? This clear distinction in behavior is determined by whether the sex worker in question is man or woman. Man sex workers are accepted and praised. Woman sex workers are attacked, shunned, and even bullied. 

Discussing societal attitudes towards women in sex work compared to men

In the realm of sex work, the treatment of woman and man workers often diverges due to entrenched societal norms and gender biases. Here's why I think this disparity persists:

Gendered Expectations:

Society's traditional views on gender often influence how women and men sex workers are perceived. Women are often expected to embody modesty, while men are encouraged to assert their sexuality. As a result, women sex workers face harsher judgment and stigma for their profession. This outdated way of thinking cannot be acceptable in this day and age.

Repeat after us: women are allowed to be sexual! Women do not owe anybody modesty (or anything else for that matter).

Sexual Double Standards:

Our culture tends to celebrate men’s sexual expression while condemning women’s sexuality. This double standard leads to heightened scrutiny and condemnation of women in sex work, whereas men face less or no societal backlash, or are literally praised.

This is why, at Rulta, we will always celebrate female sexual liberation to the fullest extent. Women should be allowed to express their sexuality as freely as men. Women should be allowed to capitalize on the same things as men. This shouldn’t even be a discussion!

Power Imbalance:

In the sex industry, societal norms and cultural attitudes often shape the dynamics between sex workers and clients. Traditionally, male sexuality has been celebrated and prioritized, while female sexuality has been objectified and commodified. This creates a power imbalance where men are positioned as consumers who seek sexual gratification, while women are often objectified and seen as objects of desire.

As a result of this dynamic, women sex workers may find themselves in a vulnerable position. They may face pressure to fulfill the desires and fantasies of their clients, often at the expense of their own well-being and autonomy. This can lead to exploitation, as clients may exploit this power dynamic to exert control over sex workers and engage in abusive or coercive behavior.

Furthermore, societal perceptions of sex work as inherently degrading or immoral can contribute to the marginalization of women sex workers. They may face stigma and discrimination in their personal and professional lives, making it difficult for them to access support services or advocate for their rights.

Overall, the power imbalance inherent in the sex industry perpetuates a system where women sex workers are vulnerable to exploitation, marginalization, and abuse. Addressing this imbalance requires challenging entrenched attitudes and beliefs about gender, sexuality, and sex work, and advocating for the rights and autonomy of all individuals involved in the industry.

Conclusion: Empowering Women in Sex Work

Celebrating women’s sexual liberation is and always will be a core value at Rulta.

Empowering women in sex work is crucial for promoting gender equality and ensuring the well-being and rights of all individuals involved in the industry. By addressing the systemic inequalities and barriers faced by women sex workers, we can create a more just and inclusive society where everyone can access support, opportunities, and respect, regardless of their occupation. Through legal reforms, social advocacy, and community support, we can work towards a future where women in sex work are empowered to make autonomous choices, access resources and protections, and live free from stigma, discrimination, and exploitation.

It's time to challenge stereotypes, dismantle oppressive structures, and advocate for the rights and dignity of all sex workers, paving the way for a more equitable and just world for everyone.

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